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Local Control Funding Formula - Funding Snapshot

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LCFF Funding Snapshot
LEA Name: Snelling-Merced Falls Union Elementary
County: Merced County
CDS Code: 24-65839-0000000
Charter Number: N/A
Fiscal Year: 2014–15  (As of February 2016, Annual)
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Funding Snapshot summarizes the main LCFF funding components but does not contain all funding details. Complete funding data should be obtained from the certified funding exhibits on the Principal Apportionment Web page [].
Local Educational Agency (LEA) Data
Grade Span K–3 4–6 7–8 9–12 Total
Funded Average Daily Attendance (ADA) 43.33 31.72 24.64 0.00 99.69

Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP)
84.38 %
LCFF Target Entitlement

Funding calculation based on the LCFF funding model at full implementation. During transition most LEAs will not receive this level of funding.

Components Amount
Base Grant Funding $741,656
Supplemental Grant Funding 125,162
Concentration Grant Funding 108,949
Necessary Small Schools (NSS) Allowance 0
Add-On Funding 66,283
Total LCFF Target Entitlement $1,042,050
LCFF Transition Entitlement

Calculation of the LEA's funding entitlement during the transition period until full implementation of LCFF. This table will either have an amount shown under the Target or the Floor, whichever is lower.

Components Amount
LCFF Target Entitlement $0
Floor Entitlement, Including Prior Year (PY) Gap 797,760
Current Year (CY) Gap Funding 73,678
Economic Recovery Target 0
Additional LCFF State Aid to Meet the Minimum Guarantee (Additional SA for MSA) 0
Total Transition Entitlement Adjusted for Additional SA for MSA* $871,438
LCFF Target vs LCFF Floor

A comparison of the LEA's Target and Floor Entitlements to determine current year Remaining LCFF Need. Some LEAs are funded at the Target and do not have a Remaining LCFF Need.

Components Amount
LCFF Target Entitlement $1,042,050
Less Floor Entitlement, Including PY Gap (797,760)
Less CY Gap Funding (73,678)
Remaining LCFF Need $170,612

A color-coded pie chart titled "LCFF Target vs LCFF Floor" displays the amounts from the table with a legend containing titles of components.

LCFF Funding Sources (Actual Funding)

The actual amount of current year LCFF funding by source.

Components Amount
Local Revenue $422,660
Education Protection Account (EPA) State Aid 156,237
LCFF State Aid Before MSA 292,541
Additional SA for MSA 0
Total Funding** $871,438

A color-coded pie chart titled “LCFF Funding Sources” displays the amounts from the table with a legend containing titles of components.

* LCFF Transition Entitlement components may not sum to Total Transition Entitlement Adjusted for MSA due to miscellaneous adjustments.

** Total LCFF Funding sources (Actual Funding) may be greater than Total Transition Entitlement Adjusted for MSA due to an LEA's EPA State Aid and/or because local revenue exceeds the LEA's Transition Entitlement.

Note: Some amounts may not display on the pie charts due to their relative size compared to other components.


Local Educational Agency (LEA) Data

Components Description
Funded Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Funded ADA for school districts is the greater of prior year or current year ADA, and includes any ADA funded through the Necessary Small School formula. Charter schools are funded on current year ADA.
Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP) An LEA’s unduplicated pupil count refers to its count of disadvantaged students, i.e., those classified as English learners, those meeting income or categorical eligibility criteria for participation in the National School Lunch Program, foster youth, or any combination of these factors. The unduplicated pupil count for the current and prior year is divided by the number of students enrolled in the LEA for the current and prior year to determine the UPP.

LCFF Target Entitlement

Components Description
Base Grant Funding An amount of funding provided for each unit of ADA by grade span. The Kindergarten through K–3 grade span includes an additional adjustment of 10.4 percent and the 9-12 grade span includes an additional adjustment of 2.6 percent of the base grant. Base grant amounts are available in the Apportionment Letter Attachment [] for the latest processing period in the fiscal year.
Supplemental Grant Funding Additional grant equal to 20 percent of the adjusted base grant, multiplied by an LEA’s UPP and ADA.
Concentration Grant Funding Additional grant equal to 50 percent of the adjusted base grant (for each LEA with UPP in excess of 55 percent) multiplied by the LEA's UPP points above 55 percent and ADA. For charter schools, the UPP for concentration grant funding is capped at the lesser of the charter school's own UPP or the determinative district's UPP.
Necessary Small School (NSS) Allowance Funding for school districts with qualifying schools that serve a small population of students and are geographically isolated. NSS funding is provided in lieu of LCFF Base Grant funding.
Add-On Funding Funding for school districts equal to the LEA’s 2012-13 entitlements for the Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant, Home-to-School Transportation, and Small School District Bus Replacement Program. These programs were eliminated with the passage of LCFF.

LCFF Transition Entitlement

Components Description
Floor Entitlement, Including Prior Year (PY) Gap For LEAs not yet funded at the LCFF Target, a Floor Entitlement is calculated based on current year funded ADA, 2012-13 deficited funding rates, 2012-13 categorical program funding, and PY Gap funding adjusted for changes in ADA.
Current Year (CY) Gap Funding LCFF Need is the amount of funding required beyond the Floor to fully fund the Target, i.e., the difference between the Floor and the Target. Gap funding is the amount of LCFF Need that is funded in any given year based on the amount of funds included for LCFF Transition in the annual Budget Act. Each LEA’s Gap Funding is based on the LEA’s proportion of statewide need; the statewide percentage and funding amount are available in the Apportionment Letter Attachment [] for the latest processing period of the specific fiscal year.
Economic Recovery Target Additional funding for those LEAs that would have received a higher level of funding under revenue limits and various categorical programs, based on certain assumptions.
Additional LCFF State Aid to Meet the Minimum Guarantee (Additional SA for MSA) The Minimum State Aid (MSA) Guarantee is the level of funding to ensure that LEAs receive at least the same amount in state aid as they received in 2012-13, adjusted for changes in ADA and property taxes. The Additional SA for MSA, available for some LEAs, is the difference between the MSA guarantee and the LCFF State Aid Before MSA (see description below).

LCFF Target vs. LCFF Floor

Component Description
Remaining LCFF Need The difference between the LCFF Target Entitlement and the sum of Floor Entitlement and CY Gap funding for those LEAs not funded at the LCFF Target. This amount is unfunded.

LCFF Funding Source (Actual Funding)

Components Description
Local Revenue The amount of local property taxes (in-lieu of property taxes for charter schools) that funds the LCFF Transition Entitlement prior to determining state aid.
Education Protection Account (EPA) State Aid Funding made available through 2018-19, in accordance with Proposition 30, the Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012, as enacted by Section 36 of Article XIII, of the Constitution of the State of California. Each LEA is guaranteed to receive at least $200 per ADA in EPA funding. The amount an LEA receives in EPA counts towards the LEA's LCFF funds.
State Aid Before MSA Amount of State Aid calculated after subtracting property taxes and EPA State Aid from the Transition Entitlement before MSA.
Additional SA for MSA See the LCFF Transition Entitlement section above for a description of this component.

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